Is a Coding Bootcamp worth it?

Is a Coding Bootcamp worth it?

As a beginner in programming, you’re probably wondering how to structure your learning journey and what resources to focus on. From free coding resources on YouTube, FreeCodeCamp, Code Academy - name them - you can easily experience information fatigue!

Before enrolling at a software development Bootcamp, I studied programming through LinkedIn Learning while working full time as a marketing executive. After 2 years of studying on my own, I decided to join The Moringa School Software development prep program because I felt I needed a structured learning environment to know which languages to focus on - and to kick off my career in software development.

Now, you might wonder how you can master coding in a month...Well, for someone who’d been learning for 2 years before joining the prep program/Bootcamp, I certainly made considerable progress after completing the 1-month program. Given that my background was in Marketing, the Bootcamp was my first introduction to a programming environment and how it operates.

Self-paced learning is great and the only way most developers hone their skills, however, in my case, I needed guidance from experienced professionals in a controlled environment to restructure my learning progress for tangible results. From that experience, these are some of the key takeaways which I hope will help beginners to decide on whether to join a coding Bootcamp or not:


A key learning area was how to collaborate remotely with your peers' thanks to peer programming. Team collaboration will be a common feature in your work life since you’ll mostly work on an existing project that has a team already assigned to it. Peer programming will also help you ask questions even if you feel dumb (I felt that a lot) and help others when they’re stuck.

In a real work environment, you’ll be working with diverse teams on complex projects with short deadlines and the sooner you get a feel of how that works, the better. I got to learn how to study faster and efficiently while working on weekly projects that had tight deadlines.

Remote work

Every day, our class had to do a stand-up session and give a rundown of what we learned the previous day while tackling blockers we experienced. At the end of the day, we did a checkout meeting to discuss the day’s tasks and course work. Seeing that most tech jobs have gone remote, you will most likely do stand-ups and check out meetings with a Scrum Master (Team leader) to give daily status updates so getting a feel of how remote work operates, what communication tools work best, and how to participate actively in meetings is important.

Git workflow

By now, you probably know how to operate the basic Git functions, but how do you operate the version control system while working in a group? This was something I got to learn while we worked on a group project for the final evaluation. At first, it was humbling to ask other experienced developers on the team but I got to learn how to work the version control system without compromising our project. I got to understand how to commit my work to master repositories, how to branch and merge my contributions to the overall project, all while working remotely. while working in a team compared to working on my own. Git workflow is an important success factor while working in large teams in your job.

How do you decide to join a Bootcamp?

An ideal way to know if you need to join a Bootcamp is to assess your current skills, areas that need improvement, and the learning method that works best for you. If you already have a good handle on programming, then a Bootcamp might not deliver much value to you. However, for a beginner, they might need the guidance of a mentor within a controlled environment before they decide which programming language to specialize in. The learning method also matters. If you prefer self-paced learning within your own schedule, a Bootcamp might prove to be disruptive but if you prefer a blended learning method where you learn with the help of a technical mentor, then a Bootcamp will be beneficial.


Another major factor is financing in regards to tuition fees. Some boot camps prey on beginners who might not know that some learning resources can be found on the internet for free. You’ll need to do a return on investment analysis to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth. Compare tuition fees vs what the school is offering before signing up. Review their curriculum and syllabus to ensure that the money you invest is worth the outcome you desire.

False claims

Some Bootcamps will try to lure in with the promise of job placement after you complete your course. TechBeacon conducted a review of coding Bootcamps, gathering details of 24 programs. The findings showed that 17 of 24 programs claimed that 90% or more of their students got full-time programming jobs or freelancing positions within six to 12 months of graduation. But those numbers can be misleading. Course Report, a site that hosts reviews and resources for coding Bootcamps conducted student surveys (with over 1,000 respondents from many reputable, in-person Bootcamps) for the past three years for its annual Alumni Outcomes & Demographics Study.

The 2014 report claims that no more than 75% of graduates in coding Bootcamps gained employment as developers after graduation. In 2015 that number dropped to 66%. For 2016 it jumped back up to 73%. By the 2018 report, the number had hit 78%. Source: techbeacon.

To truly get your money’s worth, you’ll need to do your own research, be discerning, and read between the fluffy marketing fine print that most Bootcamps employ to sign up more students.

Getting a job is dependent on many factors that a learning institution may not have control over. However, if available within the Bootcamp you choose, you can take advantage of opportunities such as career coaching and mentorship that are designed to help students prepare for the job market.

What next after the Bootcamp?

Now that you’re on your own, you still need to practice a lot and keep learning. Use that experience from your Bootcamp to see which programming languages to focus on as you embark on self-paced learning.

It’s important to know that the workplace is quite competitive so you need to hone your skills to stand out. Practice coding, build real projects, keep learning, and network extensively.

If you still feel that coding is not your thing and are not willing to set aside considerable time to study and practice, you can still have a rewarding career in tech. StackOverflow’s Atwood made a comprehensive list of career options that don’t require you to code all day. Check it out So you don't want to be a programmer after all

All in all, my experience at a Bootcamp helped me understand the fundamental concepts of programming as explained by an experienced professional, I got to restructure my self-paced learning to get tangible results and also got to understand how a technical environment works.